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Page history last edited by janass 15 years, 3 months ago

MySpace is a social networking website based in West Hollywood, California offering an interactive, user-submitted network of blogs, profiles, groups, photos, MP3s, videos and an internal e-mail system. According to Alexa Internet, as of August 2006, it is the world's fourth most popular English-language website and the seventh most popular in any language1. It is the most popular site in the United States, accounting for 4.5% of all website visits2 (note it is possible that other sites have a greater number of unique visitors). MySpace has gradually gained more popularity than similar sites such as Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, Xanga, MyYearbook, FriendsReunited.co.uk, Classmates.com and LiveJournal to achieve 80 percent of visits to online social networking websites2. It has become an increasingly influential part of contemporary pop culture, especially in the Anglosphere. MySpace has 300 employees, is owned by Newscorp, and does not disclose revenues or profits. MySpace currently reports just over 100 million members, with the 100,000,000th member signing up on August 9, 2006. The website also attracts 500,000 new members each week.

The creators of MySpace have hosted many parties in Hollywood, San Diego, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, New York City, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Hawaii, and McAllen, Texas to support the site. The headquarters is in Los Angeles, but the parent company is headquartered in New York City.

MySpace is also home to various independent musicians, independent filmmakers and up and coming comedians who upload songs, short films and other work directly onto their profile. These songs and films can also be embedded in other profiles, an interconnectedness which adds to MySpace's appeal for musicians, filmmakers and comedians alike. Because of the high popularity, mainstream musicians filmmakers and comedians alike have continued this trend as well.


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