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Session Ideas: I want to present...
As of 10/12/07, the deadline for submissions has come and gone. No new session proposals will be accepted!
- Making Ajax Usable: A Product Selector Case Study - Rich Internet technologies change the way the Web works, bringing exciting new possibilities to Web interfaces. But how do we give users a richer, more powerful interface without sacrificing ease of use? A common example of this challenge is product selection. Web sites that help users select products often use a variety of tools so that users find exactly the right item for their needs. Come see how we applied Ajax to this common challenge in order to create a rich interface that makes product selection easier (and more fun). We'll discuss how users expect these new interfaces to work and what usability issues occur when testing these types of Web 2.0 sites. Steve Mulder & Riccardo La Rosa, Molecular. Appropriate for everyone.
- Let the People Speak: How Users Are Changing the Web - The Web has always been about people, but in a Web 2.0 world, this is taking on new meaning. Giving your users more control and influence over your site unveils a whole new set of opportunities — and a whole new set of challenges. How are user ratings and reviews, tagging, editorial control, user-generated content, and social networking changing the way you should be thinking about your site? How are sites dealing with negative user contributions? What does all of this mean for how you design and build your site? Come take an entertaining tour through the social wonderland of Web 2.0 and learn what it means for you. Steve Mulder, Molecular. Appropriate for everyone.
- Small Fish in a Really Big Pond - A case study of how one guy brought podcasting to 30000 person company. Would he do it again? Absolutely! Hear why. Clive Bearman. Appropriate for everyone.
- How to Market with New Media 101 - learn how to market your podcast, blog, or social media web site with 7 great tools. Christopher Penn. Appropriate for everyone.
- Social Networks 101 - learn what the best social networks are and why, which ones to join, and how to evaluate them. Christopher Penn. Appropriate for everyone.
- How to Audio Podcast with Garageband - Podcasting 101 - learn how to make audio content quickly and professionally at low cost. Christopher Penn. Appropriate for everyone.
- How to Video Podcast with iMovie, iMovie '08 - Podcasting 101 - learn how to make video content quickly and professionally using included software on your new Mac. Composition itself will not be covered- please see sessions with Steve Garfield and David Tames for composition and good filming practices. Christopher Penn. Appropriate for everyone.
- Tools Of The (Social Media) Trade - C.C. Chapman (Managing The Gray, Accident Hash, One Guy's Thoughts) and Mitch Joel (Six Pixels of Separation, Twist Image) walk you through the tools they use to connect, share, inspire and grow. The sub-plot revolves around how using these tools help to build your Personal Brand. Also included will be thoughts on Trust Economies and how this all ties in to Marketing, Communications, Advertising and PR.
- Co-Branding With Other Podcasters By Upgrading Your Podcast To A Podcast Network - The best form of marketing is word-of-mouth and word-of-mouth comes from networking. Bruce C of PodcasterWhosWho.com and the Long Island Podcast Network will show you how to upgrade your single podcast to a podcast network. Topics include cross-promotion between podcasters, podcast selection, legal/copyright issues, automated networking through your RSS feed, three types of podcast networks, and networking software and tools.
- The New Rules of PR with bestselling author and popular keynote speaker David Meerman Scott - Learn how podcasters (and, well, anyone) use online news releases to reach new audiences directly via Google News, vertical market sites, and RSS feeds. Based in part on David’s ebook “The New Rules of PR” (which has been downloaded 250,000 times) and his new bestselling hardcover book “The New Rules of Marketing & PR”. Appropriate for everyone.
- Podcasting, Blogging and RSS in Plain English | Are you new to podcasting and blogging? Do you need a refresher on the basics? Then this session is for you. Come an learn the lingo with podcasting consultant, Jason Van Orden. You'll leave this session with a firm grasp of what podcasting, blogging and RSS are and how they work.
- How Podcasters Can Stop Genocide - It's Easier Than You Think! | Do you wish someone would have done something more to stop the Rwandan genocide as it was happening? Are you aware of the genocide occurring in Darfur and feel powerless or too overwhelmed to do anything about it? Attend this session to learn the quick, free, effective, and ground-breaking actions that you can take as a member of the new media to save lives, alleviate suffering, and be a part of the growing movement to stop and prevent genocide on a global scale. Five minutes a week will save a life. Presented by Melanie Van Orden, founder of Podcasters and Bloggers Against Genocide. Appropriate for everyone.
- Solo Podcasting What does it take to change a good idea for a podcast into a show and market effectively alone? Greg Demetrick of Webfluency will show you how. As the producer of several solo podcasting projects he will show you how to get your show off the ground, leverage your audience to make your work easier, and how to market your podcast with out the help of a large group. Some experience with podcasting is helpful but not required.
- Videoblogging in 5 Minutes - Steve Garfield shows you a number of ways that you can make a video and share it on the web. We will be shooting, editing and posting video in this session. Lots of fun will be had by all. You can get started with a cell phone or a digital camera you already own. It's not as hard as it seems. We'll review some tips on shooting, editing and sharing fleeting moments. You don't even have to edit if you don't want to.
- The Transparency Manifesto John Havens leads an interactive workshop designed to define and galvanize best-practice rules of the blog/podosphere. Citing specific examples for businesses and individuals, John will work with participants to continue to refine the Manifesto created at the NewPRWiki.
- The Bigger Better Deal of Podcasting: Work Less, Make More, and Get Back Your Time - Chris Brogan and David Eckoff lead a highly participatory and action-packed session. Are you working harder than ever, suffering from information overload, and feeling too much stress? Gain insight into the most important things you can do right now to take back your life; Discover the keys to dramatically increasing your physical energy, reducing stress and gaining true wealth; How podcasters can build their reputation to Rockstar status; Learn the secrets of Superhero collaboration strategies. Chris Brogan is a social media and social networks expert; David Eckoff is vice president of new product development & innovation at a major media company and is known as "The 80/20 Guy". You can't afford to miss this high energy, high impact session. (This session updates and replaces "Innovation at the Intersection of Media & Technology")
- Go HD today. Here's Why and How. Matthew Snodgrass, VP Digital Marketing for Porter Novelli, will explain the ins and outs of high-definition video and why you should consider making the switch to make your video content future-proof. There are some implications to making the switch, but we'll guide you through the process to keep it as painless and inexpensive as possible.
- What are advertisers looking for? Matthew Snodgrass, VP Digital Marketing for Porter Novelli and ADM board member, will let you in on the world of developing and brokering sponsorship deals for podcasters. He's helped pair clients like HP, Dixie, Oral-B, and others with appropriate podcasts to create a perfect marriage of old advertisers and new media.
- Podcasting for Profit - 3 Ways to Make Money Podcasting So You Can Leave Your Day Job - Join Leesa Barnes as she shares with you the direct, indirect and integrated ways to make money with a podcast. This session is especially useful for those who are looking for ideas that don't involve seeking sponsorship or securing advertising. Appropriate for everyone.
- What is it like to produce a video podcast? Hi there, I'm Eric Gunnar Rochow, creator/producer of Gardenfork ( a web video show about cooking, gardening, and other stuff ) and Real World Green ( a web video show about practical things you can do to reduce your impact on the earth) I will talk about my experiences, mistakes and successes in producing 2 weekly web video shows. I gave a similar talk at podcampNY and want to expand on that experience.
- International Dimensions - The Wonderful Wide World of Podcasting - Dean Whitbread from UK Podcasters http://ukpa.info shares his experience in the online rights field, explains why belonging to a podcast group is more than just tribalism, and why it's important to make sure that your right to podcast is protected. Appropriate for everyone.
- Monetizing your Web Series and Podcast - Paul Kontonis, CEO/Founder of For Your Imagination, will outline best practices on maintaining creative control of your broadcast while making money. Including what it takes to get there: 1)How many subscribers and views do you really need? 2)What are the costs with getting there? what will your investment need to be? 3)How important is the quality of you production? 4)Daily, Weekly, Monthly broadcast? And how long? 5)There are a lot of brand out there spending money on online advertising, how can you go about tapping into those ad dollars and what is it that you are selling? 6)What about merchandising? Appropriate for everyone.
- Designing A Virtual Business - presented by Rebecca Tapley, the author of "Designing Your Second Life" (published by New Riders Press). The virtual multiverse is one of the most hyped aspects of Web 2.0, thanks to all the media attention on Second Life, Entropia, and There.com. There are real people making real money in these worlds, but how do they do it? Can real-world corporations get in on the gold rush, too? Join Rebecca for a look at the most popular virtual worlds, as viewed through the lens of user-friendly design, with an eye on the most spectactular successes and failures to date. Appropriate for everyone.
- Surfing the wavefront of social networking, virtual world, and gaming communities - Shava Nerad, CEO of Indigenis, shares her perspective on the merging horizon of Facebook applications, Second Life and gaming community machinima, virtual world journalism, and vlogging and podcasting. Will there be any boundaries between what we do and all of these contexts in five years? In three? In two? Appropriate for everyone.
- Cluetrain marketing for media 2.0 and 3d -- What you're doing isn't marketing -- or is it? The reach of media is increasingly limited by the savviness of the creator or the evangelist (both of those, are you?), spreading the word. Eight years ago a clever manifesto gave old-marketing a new twist in the knickers. It's still fresh, even when applied to personal marketing of personal brands. Recommended reading: Cluetrain Manifesto. Shava Nerad, CEO of Indigenis led her last company to the middle of the Inc500, and was nominated as Woman Entrepreneur of the Year by the reporting staff of the Portland (OR) Business Journal for her work in marketing and business development, and her mentorship work. Appropriate for everyone.
- Creating a Great Podcast Listening Experience - You could have the most interesting ideas, but if people have a difficult time finding, downloading, listening, and talking about your podcast, your ideas will get lost. Jared Spool, Founding Principal of User Interface Engineering, shares how you can delight your listeners by creating a great experience for them. He'll talk about the key elements of good experience design, from the moment they hear about your podcast until the time they tell all their friends about how it's their favorite show. He'll also share easy, do-at-home techniques used by the creators of the Internet's most engaging designs. Appropriate for everyone.
- Why are we calling it Internet TV, or Is it time for Internet Storytelling? Brainstorming session - the Internet is a medium that enables new methods to tell a story. Most of the internet TV shows are just as they are named - TV on the Internet, only in a shorter form. In this brainstorming session we will discuss the opportunities the Internet give to storytellers, and discuss some of the products out there that can be used for this purpose. Kfir Pravda My blog.Appropriate for everyone.Please plan it for the 27th (28th is a sure thing).
- It's Not About Your Stupid Podcast -- At PodCamp Toronto, Julien Smith and Chris Brogan started telling it to you straight: it's about relationships, influence, and a lot of intangibles that tie back to bigger rewards than a sponsorship. I hope to +deity+ that Julien can come, but if not, I'll wing it. : )
- Podcasting in Education: Going Beyond the Technology -- A lot has happened over the last year to allow teachers leverage new technologies in their classroom. This session will be a discussion about how podcasting and new media are being used in the classroom and and enrich the learning experience. (Also, see "How Do I Teach With This Stuff" session proposal below.)
- Teen Podcasting -- I don't know if there are any other teen podcasters who are attending Podcamp, but it would be great to do a session on Teen Podcasting and the Teen Podcasters Network. What it is like to podcast with less resources and to some, less credibility. How have we worked to promote our podcasts in a culture that places adults above teens. How hard is it to keep up with high school and podcasting (especially now that I'm applying to college..). What difference has podcasting made in our lives (personally, I've become a much better writer). Appropriate for everyone. This could also be geared towards Educators and younger podcasters, not just teens. Email me if you have other ideas: kabren@nerdnewsradio.com
- Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 and Beyond -- Solutions for the Technology Manager. The Web continues to evolve from a document delivery system into a applications platform. Join Kevin Mullins and others as they discuss real Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 solutions for Business.
- Making them hang onto every word; The art of telling a story. The events in your life are great stories. It's an art to put them into words. Ever find your self skipping ahead to the good parts of a podcast? or deleting it before you've gotten to the end? Don't lose your audience, master specific techniques for keeping them on the edge of their seat. This is for everyone. Presented by Frick of http://www.frickincircus.com .
- The Art of Successful Interviews Larry Lawfer of YourStorys will discuss both preparation and techniques for successful interviewing of anyone from the CEO to the person on the street. Larry will share all the secrets of his 25 years of experience coming home with interviews and content that drives good shows and great business.
- Mistakes I've Made and Things I've Learned. Dennis Healey once famously said, "If you haven't made a mistake, you haven't made anything", that being the case, I must have made quite a bit of anything! Funny, touching, make you cringe with recognition and pick up a pencil to not make the same mistake!. Jason Jarrett, making mistakes and learning!
- Social Media for Business – Think Facebook is just for kids? Think Second Life is just for fun? Think YouTube is just for stupid pet videos? Think blogs are just overblown diaries? Think again. You can – and should -- put these sites and other user-driven online communities to good use for your bottom line. This conversation is suitable for businesses that are wondering whether to join or ignore the new wave of popular websites, plus those who want to help them decide. Presented by Isabel Hilborn [http://www.isabelhilborn.com]
- Crappy Web 2.0 Marketing. Don’t do it like this! A group rant among the people who are supposed to read the “messages” that are being “pushed” toward them and just don’t feel like it. Ever been turned off by a stupid marketing campaign? See lots of companies spending millions doing unethical or just plain dumb things trying to keep up with the new online trends? Please come prepared to share the horror. This is a must-attend session for all clueless businesses planning to attempt Web 2.0 Marketing. Isabel Hilborn moderates.
- Knitting for Podcasters What is the sound of your favorite hobby? If you have been thinking about podcasting as a way to share your favorite hobby and grow a community of like minded people, then this may be the session for you. I've been podcasting about Knitting for over a year and have had a lot of fun doing it. I would like to share my experience and hints about getting going with your own
hobby passion podcast. Presented by Guido Stein.
- Champagne Production Values on a Beer Budget - David Tames, an award-winning filmmaker and media technology consultant, will provide you with a survey of the most important things you need to know to get better results when doing video and audio production in the field. Appropriate for beginner to intermediate media makers who want to improve their production values. A reprise of the session which was very popular last year. Note: The title of this session has been changed, it was formerly "Video and audio production fundamentals."
- Improve your video using cinematic storytelling techniques - Multimedia artist John Herman and filmmaker David Tames will lead a presentation and discussion covering the fundamental elements of cinematic language, which can help you dramatically improve the effectiveness of your videos. Appropriate for media makers at all levels from beginner to advanced who want to improve or fine-tune their expressive potential. Based on a session first given by David and John at Podcamp New York which was very popular.
- New media crash course for traditional filmmakers - Social media expert Beth Kanter and filmmaker David Tames will present a crash course on what you need to know about "new media" and provide you with starting points for further study and exploration, depending on your specific goals. Appropriate for people who have been making traditional films and corporate videos who want to explore the potential of new media including blogging, podcasting, video blogging, and social networking. A new session developed for Podcamp Boston 2. (please schedule for Saturday the 27th)
- Art and technique of double system sound - Double system sound (recording audio separate from video) is one of the easiest ways to improve the production values of video shot with tiny digital cameras. Filmmaker and media technologist David Tames will present a step-by step tutorial on the art and technique of double system sound. The session will cover microphone selection and placement, survey of small digital recorders, recording tips and tricks, and a step-by-step demo using Final Cut Pro, however, the technique is easily translated to other editing systems.- Note: this session was added as a request, however, I already had one session and two others that I'm paired up with folks, so I'm going to suggest we drop this one so other people can have a slot, unless there is mass objection to it's deletion -- David Tames
- What is the sound of your brand? - Drawing on elements of his presentations on "Return on Influence", "Using Ambient Sound" and "People: The magic ingredient", Mark Blevis will challenge you to think creatively and critically about using audio as part of your personal and/or professional brand, and how to use the podcast channel to bring that sound to life on the Internet.
- Legal and Logistical Advice for your Startup : When you start a business, you need to know a few things to keep yourself out of sticky situations later on. This session will discuss the basics of starting a business, from why you need to set up a business account, whether you need to incorporate, protecting yourself from the most common problems, basic tax issues, and the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive relationships. Whitney Hoffman
- The Social Media Metrics/ROI Game: Standardized metrics for measuring the ROI of social media strategies are a moving target. Many are discovering that traditional web analytics and metrics (like page view) are not appropriate. The current conversation is about the need for new metrics and methods for objective measurement. What metric(s) you select depends on your strategy map, tool selection, and context. Different metrics matter for different social meda makers for different reasons. This session will use a training game as a conversation starter for participants to begin to identify the most important metric mapped with strategy. The session will provide a brief summary of the recent thinking on this topic by thought leaders in the field, but mostly provide an opportunity for small group discussion and sharing about current practices on this important topic. Beth Kanter
- Editing: How To Do It, Why To Do It, and How To Avoid Going Too Far: The reasons you should edit your show, along with a discussion of why you might not want to. Adam Weiss (Would love to make part of this a panel, if anyone is interested). Suitable for everyone.
- Podcasting as a Tool for Non-Profits: What does it take to do a high-quality podcast for your organization? What benefits will you get from podcasting? Hopefully heavy on the Q&A. Lead by Adam Weiss, the creator of the award-winning Current Science & Technology Podcast for the Museum of Science, Boston.
- Calculating your Freelance Wage: So, you're on your own, or thinking about it, and taking jobs on a client by client basis. Are you charging enough, or perhaps too much? Can you succeed on what you are charging, much less survive? A quick primer on what Freelancing is, what it is not, and how to determine what you NEED to make things happen. Presentation with room for input and Q&A. Given by Chris Wilson from the Answers for Freelancers! Podcast
- Living la vida Freelance!: I have received a few requests to sit down in a group setting (panel? Q&A style?) and just TALK about what its like to live and work as a freelancer. Hoping to interest other Freelancers and consultants to join me on this panel, regardless of your field. In fact, diverse careers encouraged. A lot of people who are podcasting are now thinking about going Freelance with their Social Media skills, and it might be helpful to prepare them for the jump. Chaired by Chris Wilson from the Answers for Freelancers! Podcast
- Ask-A-Podcaster Q&A: With all of these sessions, you should be able to find out anything about podcasting right? Of course not! That is, until you come to this session. No lecture, no format, no slides -- just your podcasting questions answered by professional podcaster and podcast consultant Adam Weiss and others (if they choose to participate). If we get a number of "experts," we'll take over a room and spread them out so everyone has someone to grill for answers without waiting in line.
- "Lessons of a Serial Entrepreneur" Jeff Pulver
- Tools for reaching a Multi-Lingual Audience or "How to translate your blog into Klingon" - I will cover some of the tools (WorldWide Lexicon, Moses) that help translate your content to other languages. If you have used any multi-lingual tools and want to share your experience please contact me. Ed Manlove. Slides
- Podcasting within a large enterprise: IBM has 400,000 employees spread around the globe. 40% of these employees are working from home or are almost always on the road. In years past, IBMs internal communications came from the top down, until blogging, wikis and podcasting were introduced. This session will capture IBMs evolutionary process through three years of self-publishing at IBM, and what podcasting is doing to make this massive company feel smaller and more like a community. For everyone. Will include Q&A. Lead by George Faulkner - IBM New Media Communications George Faulkner
- Podcamp Retrospective and Prospective: Podcamp is now a year old. Over 15 have occurred around the world in this short period of time. What have we learned? What works best? What can we improve on? This panel discussion will feature current and past Podcamp organizers, and we will look for your input on important decisions moving forward, such as should there be a small entrance fee (such as $20- equivalent to a co-pay) to discourage no-shows, which make planning so difficult? If there was an entrance fee, should it go to defray expenses like food and water, or should it be a charitable donation to a local community organization? (Please Contact Whitney Hoffman if you are interested in participating on this panel).
- Intellectual property for the Creative Class: What you need to know to protect your intellectual property rights and not step on the rights of others. Sarah Salter, Professor, New England School of Law
- Intro to Podcasting: Jen Yuan, tag-teaming sessions with John Wall. What makes a podcast a podcast? How is podcasting like, or unlike, content from blogs, vlogs, streaming audio/video, radio, or television? What is RSS, and how is it involved in "subscribing" to shows? Haven't created a podcast yet? This talk is for you.
- Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast
Jay Berkowitz, http://www.TenGoldenRules.com , http://podcast.tengoldenrules.com
• How to produce your podcast including finding music, recording interviews, and call ins
• How to get your podcast listed in Google and the other search engines
• Finding your theme
• How to find great interview topics
• How to launch and promote your podcast
• Getting listed in Podcast directories and iTunes
• Ongoing promotion and audience building
- Build A Better Talkshow, Live! Jonny Goldstein. Sick of canned celebrity gabfests that pass for talk shows? Now you can make your own truly participatory live talkshow around topics you care about, where your guests, you, and the audience are all stars. Jonny will show you how to build a better talkshow using http://operator11.com and meebo rooms. Then if you are brave, he'll get you on the couch and interview you.
- Get a Brand! Packaging Your Podcast Personality: We'll cover branding essentials including color palettes, image choices, audience, and copy tone. We'll also discuss maintaining brand across multiple media outlets... including the pros and cons of bringing all your online personalities together (web site, podcast, blogs, newsletters, Twitter, MySpace, Second Life, etc.). Just starting out and need branding help? This session is for you! Leading the session is Melissa Robison who has worked in the Interactive Web Design industry for the past ten years http://www.mydesignselfstudy.com and Michael Domingo (Kit Mikazuki) the host of the Nante Koto Dating Misadventures Podcast http://nantekoto.com . You can download the presentation from her blog, http://mydesignselfstudy.com .
- Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, SkypeCasts, MashUps, Web 2.0: How Do I Teach With This Stuff? ( I didn't see a name on the Podcasting in Education session above; I'm happy to put my name on that one, or offer this session which expands the focus a bit to include teaching with additional collaborative technologies.) I'm Mark Frydenberg, and I teach an Intro to Technology course at Bentley College. This year's theme is "Learning Technology Through the Lens of Web 2.0". I will talk about how I've included all of these technologies in my classes and share actual work done by some of my students. I encourage other educators to share their experiences and ideas as well.
- Plone.tv: An open source podcasting platform by Nate Aune from Jazkarta. Plone.tv is a site for showcasing multimedia content about Plone, and is built on top of Plone, and open source content management system. The site features drag-n-drop upload of audio and video files as well as easy adding of videos that are hosted on YouTube, Google Video, Blip.tv, Revver.com, etc. Users can rate, tag and comment on audio and video files. More info about the platform can be found at http://www.plone4artists.org
- Web 2.0 Tools That Are Actually Useful by Scott Monty from crayon. Just how many Web 2.0 / social media sites can you handle? And which ones are a complete waste of time versus actually being useful? With such sites growing in number at a seemingly exponential rate, it can be difficult to sort through the crap. I'll cover 3-5 web apps that are actually of practical use in our hurried, harried lives. Then, in true Podcamp style I'll turn it over to the audience for additional sites, suggestions and even do a little brainstorming about killer apps that are still needed.
- Podcasting on the Cellphone: Reaching a Big Audience - Building a (near) Realtime Audience by Erik Schwartz There are 2.7 billion cell phones in use worldwide. Last year there were 20 cell phones sold for every iPod, and every one of them can play audio off of a network. Erik can talk about the power of using this channel to reach a huge audience in nearly real time.
- Smart Plan, Sexy 'Cast by Andrea Mercado, author of LibraryTechtonics and manager/occasional podcaster for the PLA Blog. So many hot presenters, so many tantalizing options... but it's not just about knowing the tools, it's how you *use* them. What's a nervous 'cast virgin to do? Learn how a smart plan can make even the most inexperienced podcaster or vidcaster successful with a sexy strategy. They won't even know it's your first time!
- How Podcasting Will Save the World - Hugh McGuire: LibriVox has become the world's most prolific publisher of audiobooks - publishing 60-70 books a month. All volunteer, all for free, all with a budget of $0. In this talk I'll look at distributed intelligence, data, evolution, complex problems, the looming end of all civilization, commons-based peer excitement, and how all of you will help save the world.
- The Circle of Podcasting - how to keep everyone happy when you podcast, your listeners, your producers, your hosts (or network), your sponsors... keeping it all in the air and getting the best show for everyone onto "tape." Ewan Spence, Vice President (Stuff) at The Podcast Network (www.thepodcastnetwork.com)
- Creative Briefs in Brief: Finding the client's 'message' isn't as easy as you think. - Presented by J.C. Bouvier - Principal, Bouvier Consulting. This session gives a high level overview of a basic agency marketing tool called the "creative brief". The session will introduce participants to the Bouvier Consulting version of the creative brief, a tool they can use to define what it is exactly a client is trying to get people to do...Be it buy goods, fill out a form, or show up at a conference. Open to anyone who is interested in walking away with a simple, one page, document template that can help anyone figure out what they (or their clients) are trying to say. Bouvier Consulting, a scalable stable of freelancers marshalled by J.C. Bouvier, has been providing marketing and production services to myriad clients since 1996. J.C. also runs Bouv's Blog. The Rants and Pomp of an American Mutt.
- Kibbitzing with Kosso: Getting Down and Dirty with OPML, RSS & Social Multimedia Networks - Podcast.com's own Kosso, leads a discussion on leveraging how technology standards are allowing for social networking to take multimedia to the next level of distribution. The tech talk may get bloody so be prepared for anything. Kosso is Chief Technical Officer / Architect / Lead Developer of Podcast.com (http://my.podcast.com/kosso/)
- Is there a cure for Social Networking Fatigue Syndrome? - We're all coming down with it. That worn-out, tired feeling that comes from having to create yet another account on a social network site. You know the drill. Make up an id no one else has used, come up with a password they consider safe enough and that you can remember, enter your profile info (why do they need my birth city?), and worst of all, find your friends all over again. Well, there are easier ways that are being tried, and this session will show you what the world might be like if they come to fruition. Joe Cascio ( http://joesvideoetc.blogspot.com )
- Following and Joining Online Conversations: Social Media PR 101. Presented by Bryan Person and Doug Haslam. An introduction to the world of blogs and social media. Learn how to follow what's being said about you and your organization online, and why you should care. Learn when and how to jump in to this existing conversations and how to reach out to bloggers. We'll also leave plenty of time for audience questions and participation.
- Business Models - An open discussion of the many ways to sustain your New Media business... Advertising and beyond. David Cutler blogs on BizDev at www.CreativeBusinessDevelopment.com
*************Note: Any session added after this point is on the "wait list"--- Please add it, and consider taping it- we can put it in the media after podcamp, even if there's no room in the schedule itself. We'll be in touch ASAP about your session as we consolidate the master schedule.***************************
- Job Search 2.0 - Let's talk about how this new media stuff and the culture that goes along with it is affecting your career and your job search. CM Access is a specialty representation firm for advertising, marketing and creative professionals in New England and the Mid Atlantic. PodCampBoston 1 and PodCamp Philly attendees, as well as founders of the Philly CreativeCamp meetup, CM Access-ers career advocacy blogger MaryHelen Votral and Ben Gregg will lend insight and expertise to creating and maintaining an online profile for job seekers and others.
- How to Avoid Facebook F$#kups and the Google Gestapo :: Reputation Management for Digital Natives - Three digital natives, Mike Denton, Christin Eubanks and Paull Young look at the threats and opportunities inherent in their lives as part of the first generation growing under the Google microscope in a social media world. They will look at potential pitfalls and how to avoid them while getting on the front foot and building your personal brand. This session should provide some useful information for digital natives and immigrants alike as it builds on some of the recent online conversation about the place of young people online.
- Three Nerds, a Microphone and a Hungry Audience- Podcasting LIVE - Bringing a Technical Topic to the Masses and What Makes it Really Work. - The DV Show has gone from a recorded podcast to a live show and it was not an easy transition. The audience wanted it and we delivered and now we're taking it to the next level. Learn about the equipment, marketing tools and techniques used on how to keep people engaged and coming back for more even if they're not interested in what you're talking about. Learn guerilla techniques to bring it all together, cheap equipment you can purchase and using free online tools. What we learned in 6 months you will learn in one session!
- From iMovie to Final Cut- Taking your Video to the Next Level - Learn techniques that will take this great little program to its maximum limit and how it can play nicely with Final Cut to enhance your videos. Brian Alves, Mark Wood and Michael Hurdle from The DV Show get into the limitations of iMovie and how to make the transition to Final Cut Pro when it comes to videoblogging. Learn how to set-up, edit, and organize your projects from start to finish. Manage your media, use filters, color correcting, working with audio and music, motion effects, compression, and more!
- New High School Journalism Project - Brainstorm ideas for how the new media community in Boston can become engaged in a new project, Journalists in Schools, that will create student-driven independent journalism inside city high schools. We are based at Northeastern University, collaborating with MIT Media Lab and others and seeking start-up funds. With Director Leslie Seifert. (currentseditor@yahoo.com) Appropriate for everyone.
- Lets get creative - Creativity is an important part of podcasting so lets get together to get our creative juices flowing. Come join us to use a variety of materials to the artistic and creative sides to wake up with Dave LaMorte teaching a guerrilla art class at podcamp.
- Podcasting and the Music Industry | A panel discussion for musicians, podcasters and music industry professionals to explore the intersection between podcasting and the music industry. Hosted by Ariel Hyatt of Ariel Publicity. Other panelists will include Melanie Van Orden of PunchBuzz Online Music Marketing, CC Chapman of Accident Hash, Adam Lewis of the Planetary Group, Kevin Greenstein of Bandletter, Matthew Wilkening of What Are Records. Other panelists TBA.
- Screencasting- Techniques for creating a screen capture video podcast - Learn the basics for capturing screen action of software on your computer. Steve Albanese from TutorialDEPOT and TutorialFACTORY will review a few software options to use (Mac/Win), discuss production set-up, review tips and techniques for getting a great capture, and discuss export options for podcasting.
- Recording Remote Interviews or Co-Hosts using VoIP technologies like Skype - Do you want to bring in remote interviewees or co-hosts? Have you tried to use Skype or other tools but are frustrated with the audio quality or setting it up to work right? In this session, VoIP blogger/podcaster Dan York will discuss how you can use VoIP technologies like Skype to connect to those remote locations. He'll discuss different ways to record, including using a "mix-minus", items to consider in setting up the call and tips and tricks to get the best audio quality from the call. (NOTE: Dan will only be attending PodCampBoston2 on Sunday the 28th.)
- "Presenting... Your Audience!" Description to be added in coming days. Presented by Laura Fitton.
- Audio Production 101 with Matthew Ebel
- From mic recommendations to soundproofing, from avoiding hiss to vocal technique, Matthew Ebel will walk you through a step-by-step process to getting the best sound from your audio setup. You'd be surprised how easy audio production can be! (Note: This isn't a class in Garage Band... these tips apply no matter what software you're using.)
- "The ethos of advertising. A forum/panel hosted by Phillip Zannini. How can we accept advertising without becoming shills and selling our souls? Are podcasters part of an astroturf social media society?
- The Social Networking Nexus: Uncovering Transparency in Your Social Network From your thoughts, your dreams, your passion, to making meaningful, sustainable connections, What makes that happen? Transparently facilitated by Critt Jarvis.
Session Ideas: Will someone do a session on...
Post requests for stuff YOU want to see. After all, it's YOUR conference!
- Bryan Person giving the "highlights" of his RSS course
- Intellectual property- what's yours, what's theirs, how to get and give permission, creative commons and beyond Response: see the "Intellectual property for the Creative Class session above"
- Neil Gorman's Podfade Talk
- Stump the chumps- panel discussion where any and all of your podcasting questions will be answered by seasoned podcasters/new media people. Response: see the Ask-A-Podcaster Q&A session above, and contact Adam Weiss to join in as a question-answerer.
- SEO for Newbies- Where do I find the Google Juice and How to Make it Mine
- Half Baked- Entrepreneurial Game Show
- Transitioning from iMovie to Final Cut Pro or Getting Started with Final Cut Pro (eh-hem...Steve Garfield eh-hem..!)
- Broken Toasters, Will Shatner, and Podcaster Burnout ** by Neil Gorman
What doe broken toasters, Will Shatner, and Podcaster Burnout all have in common? ALOT! This session is focused on helping podcasters identify what leads to a feeling of burnout, and creating effective strategies for avoiding burnout.
It was presented at Podcasters Across Borders 2007.
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