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Sunday - The Meetups


The event also includes networking on Sunday. People with similar interests meet in different parts of Perth. We need ideas and people willing to lead and organise these events. Please your ideas, and your name if you're willing to lead the group.


  • Photographers in Perth , with a photowalk session 10:30am, East Perth. Meet at the north end of the pedestrian walkway over the canal, just off Brown st.
  • Geeks in the Grass - 12:30pm - Venue - King's Park , BYO food, family, and good times. Exact location: Wollemi Pine Lawn, Synergy Parkland (map)
  • Twitter Meetup - 3:00pm, Venue - Belgian Beer Cafe  (map)

Ideas for Sunday Birds of a Feather meetings:

  • Podcasters
  • Entrepreneurs of the Web
  • Musicians
  • Artists


Saturday - The Sessions


Location: Central TAFE (140 Royal St, East Perth WA 6004)

Start: 9:00 am

Sessions Start: 9:30am

Finish: 5:00pm


Free lunch (pizza and subway) provided thanks to sponsors.

After PodCamp Drinks: Royal Hotel, Royal Street, East Perth (just down the road)



Want to speak? YOU can! Just add your session ideas to the list. Sessions will be 45 minutes in length, with a 15 minute between sessions break.


As a matter of etiquette, please add to the BOTTOM of the list


Please use our classification guide to specify the type of content you will be presenting:

{101} For people new to the concept

{N} New - Presenting a new concept

{G} General - Information for everyone

{T} Tech - At least moderate use of technical talk

{V} Veteran - A further exploration of a concept for experienced users

Note: you can combine classifications. e.g. {VT} Veteran Technical


Please use the following template:

  • {101} Title of Session Here (Presenters Name/Company) - Detailed description of your session here


  • {G} Podcasting in/as Education
    (Tama Leaver, University of Western Australia; and Sue Waters, Challenger TAFE) - Exploring the role of podcasting in education, not just the 'record and spread existing content' but also how we can engage students by getting them podcasting, too!


  • {G} New Media as Soft Arms: Playing on the front in Second Life (Kim Flintoff, Edith Cowan University and Queensland University of Technology) - Like many online spaces Second Life is also facing issues of regulation and governance. The promise of a new public sphere by way of a user created society seemed wonderful - but can it survive? Just how free will it be?


  • {GT} OpenId Saviour of the Universe (Gary Barber manwithnoblog.com/ radharc) - Why do we need Open Identification. Is it just a waste of time. Or is it the answer to all our social networking ills. Will it save the world and all before morning coffee. Is there something more! Slides Transcript


  • {T} Podcasting production campfire: I'll show you mine if you show me yours (Kerry Johnson, educationau (E-learning Insights http://www.edna.edu.au/edna/go/news/podcast/eli ) and YOUR NAME HERE} Do you produce a regular podcast or audio blog for your organisation or for yourself? Share what you use for hardware and software, tips for getting the most out of Audacity or your favourite editing software and how you add and use value added info like metadata, ID3 tags, iTunes tags, etc. Bring a laptop with your editing software and favourite web sites loaded up (you may need to have some screen grabs taken in case we don't have internet connection) - and be prepared to share. Marshmallows optional.


  • {G} Connecting Communities (Adam Purcell redPixel & Jared Madden emersive) - A demonstration of connecting communities through newmedia and technology


  • {G} Can Social Media Heal the World? (Adam Purcell redPixel & Jared Madden emersive) - Many have tried, Live Aid, Live 8, Band Aid and the list goes on. There have been so many media campaigns we now have 'social disaster' and 'skinny kid on TV' blindness! But has Social Media got that secret ingredient that can make a real difference to the dissadvantaged in this world?


  • {101} Blog fodder
    (Kathryn Greenhill, Librarians Matter ) What do I put in my blog? What can I do if I have blogger's block? If you have a blog but are stuck for things to write in it, here's some tips about where to source material, privacy, places to look online and some questions to ask yourself - like why you think you need to post right now anyhow.


  • {101} Your customers are your audience (Nick Hodge www.nickhodge.com, Microsoft) A case study from Microsoft: how does one of the world's largest organisations use social media to reach out to customers.


  • {101 G} The social network in your pocket (Nick Cowie www.nickcowie.com) A look at mobile devices and social networking


  • {GT} New Media Branding (Duncan Riley TechCrunch/ Nichenet Pty Ltd) A look at how traditional brand related marketing can be applied to new media. Covering the basics of branding through to taking your brand to the next level through new media marketing, including viral marketing, name recognition and ubiquitous omnipresence and lifestreaming.


  • {G 101} From Pixels to Prints – leveraging Flickr to create a real-world community of photographers in Perth (Seng Mah PIP - Photographers in Perth *Flickr Group*) Flickr is an online photo-sharing application that is primarily used to show and share photographs, whether they be happy-snaps, family photos, or more artistic and professional photography pursuits. The Photographers in Perth (PIP) community was initially formed as a Flickr group for local photographers to show off their work, but has since evolved into one of the largest photography networks in Perth through the deliberate use of networking tools in Flickr and via the organization of real-world group events such as meets, photo shoots, workshops and group exhibitions. Come and find out how an online group becomes a successful offline community of practice and, if you are interested in photography, you may even be tempted to join PIP!


  • {G} Social Networks and the Federal Election (Stilgherrian stilgherrian.com) A look at how Australia's politicians are using and mis-using social networks in the 2007 Federal Election. How will this change the nature of our democracy?


  • {GT101} Podcast 101 (Tiang Cheng) Don't know the first thing about podcasting? Start here. We'll talk about how to subscribe to a podcast using iTunes, and then make your very own podcast. We'll delve into the dark depths of RSS, and navigate through the deep waters of podcast xml and ID3 tags.


  • {GT101} VBlogging 101 (Tiang Cheng) shows you a number of ways that you can make a video and share it on the web. We will be shooting, editing and posting video in this session. Lots of fun will be had by all. You can get started with a cell phone or a digital camera you already own. It's not as hard as it seems. We'll review some tips on shooting, editing and sharing fleeting moments. (Using windows software. Anyone wanna go halves and demo Mac software?)


  • {G} Virtual Worlds for Real Businesses (Bret Treasure Inside This World) Bret owns a virtual worlds agency specialising in business applications of Second Life. Why is IBM spending $100M on virtual worlds? Why is CSI going into Second Life? Shouldn't we all just cover our heads and wait for the Americans to do it? You'll get an understanding of what's going on, what the applications are and how to approach Second Life.


  • {G} On Passion and the Social Web (Jinnan Cai Buzka) An insight into how consumers, brands, online communities and the social web/media has everything to do with LOVE :) I hope you can join me in this feel-good talk about being inspirational and doing what we love.


  • {GN101} Pervasive Gaming for Play, Participation and Profit (David Fono Giant Dice) A whole new class of games are breaking the boundaries of conventional interactive entertainment. Pervasive games are played over mixed media; on city streets, or your office building; on Facebook, Myspace, and your mobile. Microsoft, Audi, and General Motors (amongst others) are spending millions of dollars on them. I'll tell you why, and I'll show you some stuff involving helicopters and laser beams while I'm at it.


  • {V} Put Your Mic On The Line (Paul Montgomery Tinfinger - note: must be before lunch if it is to go ahead) A discussion, as a panel if possible but at the very least a lightly moderated open mic, on exactly how serious attendees are about treating their podcasting and other entrepreneurial activities as real full-time product-based businesses, not just self-indulgent hobbies or parasitical consultancies. This session will challenge your ideas of what a podcast, and by extension an Internet startup, can mean to your life if you let it. The lessons of Paul Graham will get a big run, as will the case study of Keith and the Girl.



Session Ideas: I want to present...


Here are some ideas to get you started:


  • How does a band use the Internet to break into the big time
  • Making money out of Podcasting
  • How to make movies for the small screen (mobiles, youtube)
  • Can citizen journalists be the new reporters?
  • How to build effective facebook applications
  • Can we have web standards and Web 2.0
  • Designers round table, share tips and techniques


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