
Podcamp City Online

Page history last edited by janass 15 years, 7 months ago




If you are a speaker that recorded or a attendee who missed a session of the July 2007 Podcamp City Online, please email Ava at: ava@avahosting.biz




Session Schedule

Register To Attend


Featured Speakers


Podcamp City Online, a podcamp sponsored and organized by PodcasterWhosWho.com, and AvaHosting.Biz , was an online Podcamp held on Saturday, July 28, 2007 from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM EST. to freely educate and share information about podcasting to beginners and experts. We are currently looking for family-friendly participants - speakers, sponsors, and attendees for our next event! Please email a@podcampcityonline.info All events will be 30 to 60 minutes. Speakers will be able to navigate the internet as well as their own Powerpoint presentations in front of the live audience in our interactive web conference room which has audio/video voice/text chat capabilities.


Please visit and support our sponsors!

If you would like to become a sponsor of Podcamp City Online, please see the sponsorship information at the bottom of this page or email a@podcampcityonline.info









Would you like to be a sponsor?

Please email a@podcampcityonline for more information.

We are offering 5 sponsorship levels!



Scroll down to see Featured Sessions, Speakers, Registrants, and Graphics




Bruce C

CEO and web developer of podcasterwhoswho.com, Review of Podcasts and Podcaster Who's Who Magazine


Ava B

CEO of AvaHosting.biz , Marketer of Quick Podcast, and Founder of the non-profit SMILE - Single Mothers In Loving Entrepreneurship network and Podcast http://www.myspace.com/singlemomhelp and Co-Publisher of Podcaster Who's Who Magazine http://www.pwwmag.com







Session Schedule





We would like to thank the following guests for attending!




  1. Bruce C of PodcasterWhosWho.com and Review of Podcasts
  2. Ava of http://www.avahosting.biz - Program for Podcasters called "Quick Podcast"
  3. Anna Farmery - The Engaging Brand podcast
  4. Dani Cutler - Truth Seekers podcast truthseekerscast.com
  5. V.Brown - 808Talk Hawaii 808Talk.com / 808Talk.tv
  6. Vinny Green of Bernies World, Digital Father, and The Daddy Dialogues
  7. Eban Crawford - The Reaching for Lucidity Podcast
  8. Jason James - The Nut Gallery Review Podcast
  9. Judy L - Listener of http://www.AvaHosting.biz & S.M.I.L.E Podcast
  10. Lasha- 19 year old graphic designer @ http://www.avahosting.biz
  11. Susie Glennan - THE Busy Woman http://www.thebusywoman.com Ava's Business Constituent
  12. John Windish - The Useless Podcast http://www.uselesspodcast.com
  13. Jeremy Rodgers - Campaigners Merchandising Manager - Epson Program
  14. Troy Foreman - Tha Darkside Vibe! http://www.thadarksidevibe.com
  15. Jennifer Navarrete - Morning BrewCast and SA Podcasters
  16. Candice L. Mason - Solutions Now! Radio - Download Now and Our Official Homepage
  17. Dani in NC - Better L8 Than Nevr podcast http://www.bl8tn.net
  18. Taylor Marek of the Taylor Marek Podcast - Globally Syndicated 3-in-1 Podcast Host
  19. Ginger Marks - http://www.DocUmeantDesigns.com
  20. Tonya Ramsey - http://lifebydesignsite.com -Ava offered Podcast Consulting
  21. Nancy Macdonald - http://www.preciousbabysite.com - Moms-talk radio - Beginner podcaster getting consulting from Ava
  22. Vicki Barnhart - http://www.ypo.org -Young Presidents' Organization
  23. Dr. Taffy Wagner - Business Finances Expert/Coach- http://www.journeytowholeness.net/
  24. Brandon Jackson
  25. Stephanie Fish - Buckeye VA - http://www.buckeyeva.com/
  26. Kelli Claypool - http://www.MomOfPraise.com - Learning podcasting for new weekly talkshow on this new site!
  27. Robert Allen, Executive Producer Wedding Podcast Network - http://www.weddingpodcastnetwork.com -Wedding Talk Radio around the clock.
  28. Phil Feldstein
  29. Rob Anderson, CEO Community Enabler and co-founder of the International Podcasting Expo - Co-OpWorld
  30. Mark Rufalo
  31. Sandy Luttzer - Future children's podcaster - Just learning
  32. Kay Bollow - England Podcasting Group
  33. John Clubman - The Clubman's Podcast
  34. Linda Hackerman
  35. Anne Cohen http://www.acohenpr.com
  36. Leslie Baldwin - Talkshow Host http://www.springanew.com
  37. Lisa Tolliver - Talk Radio Host, Educator, Consultant - http://www.lisatolliver.com
  38. Steve Plaushin - Host of the "Steve Pal Show"
  39. Patricia Burgess - Creative Director of Watermoon Arts
  40. Bob Lebensold - Host of "Environmentally Sound" on New York Radio WVOX
  41. Fred Castaneda - Host of "Arriba!" http://folkloricomusicdance.blogspot.com
  42. Jason Puckett - punkmonkey@speedfactory.net
  43. Dr. Kathleen P. King - Podcast for Teachers, Transformation Education LLC (http://www.transformationed.com), Fordham University
  44. Alan Petersen - Host & Producer of Costa Rica Talk Radio - http://www.costaricatalkradio.com
  45. Danita B - http://www.no-out-there.com
  46. Todd Carroll - http://www.toddcarrollphotography.com
  47. Angie Pedersen
  48. Duffy - http://www.duffysrant.com
  49. Becky McCray - Small Biz Survival
  50. Puela Lunaris - http://www.PuelaLunaris.com
  51. Sparda Deleon - New podcast HipHop Artist consulting from Ava http://www.myspace.com/spardadeleon3b5
  52. TBOL3 - http://feeds.feedburner.com/OpenSciFi
  53. Marvin Bzura - http://www.helloworld.com/bz1
  54. Sean McGaughey For the Sake of the Song podcast,White Trash land-a podiobbok, Volunteer for Librivox- Free Public Domain Audiobooks
  55. Eric - http://www.justmyshow.com
  56. Carl Weisbrod - http://www.wdslibrary.com
  57. Jay Berkowitz - 10 Golden Rules Internet Marketing Podcast http://podcast.tengoldenrules.com
  58. Rich Hand
  59. ray and viv - http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=26295&cmd=tc
  60. Paul Campbell - Cossmass Productions - Science Fiction Audio Dramas
  61. Jim Mowatt - Home page, Librivox - Volunteer audiobook group
  62. Michael De Leon - The Spurscast - Weekly San Antonio Spurs podcast
  63. Chris Christensen - Amateur Traveler - Amateur Traveler audio and video podcasts
  64. JM Campbell - Comics Radar - Comic book news, reviews, and Interviews.


Sponsorship Information




We are offering 5 types of sponsorships for Podcamp City Online:




Platinum: Only $400.00 USD Minimum**

*1/2 Page Ad on Podcaster Who's Who Magazine (A $275.00 value)

*Production of 60 second podcast commercial (A $500.00 Value)

*30 second audio podcast commercial to be played at Podcamp City Online Event

*60 second audio podcast commercial on PodcasterWhosWho.com Radio (A $350.00 Value)

*Search engine optimization and search engine ranking evaluation for 5 pages of your web site (A $300.00 Value)

*Run of Network (RoN)Link on all web pages (including PodcasterWhosWho.com podcaster directory) of PodcasterWhosWho.com,

*Link on http://www.avahosting.biz


Gold: Only $250.00 USD Minimum

*1/2 Page Ad on Podcaster Who's Who Magazine (A $275.00 value)

*Production of 30 second podcast commercial (A $300.00 Value)

*30 second audio podcast commercial to be played at Podcamp City Online Event

*30 second audio podcast commercial on PodcasterWhosWho.com Radio (A $250.00 Value)

*Text link on http://www.avahosting.biz


Silver: Only $175.00 USD Minimum

*1/4 Page Ad on Podcaster Who's Who Magazine (A $150.00 value)

*Production of 30 second podcast commercial (A $300.00 Value)

*30 second audio podcast commercial to be played at Podcamp City Online Event

*Text link on http://www.avahosting.biz


Bronze: Only $50.00 USD Minimum

*1/4 Page Ad on Podcaster Who's Who Magazine (A $150.00 value)

*15 second speaker endorsement of your podcast or show at Podcamp City Online

*Text link on http://www.avahosting.biz


  • Save the graphics below to put on your sites and email campaigns!


Podcamp City Online.infoPodcamp City Online

Podcamp City Online.info

Podcamp City Online.info

Podcamp City Online.info


Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 6:04 am on Jul 28, 2007

Will the sessions be available to download afterwards? Can't get connected through ivocalize.net as it doesn't support my operation system (Linux).

Anonymous said

at 10:05 am on Jul 28, 2007

The link for Jack Ward and the Sonic Society is wrong. It should be: http://www.sonicsociety.org/

Can't edit schedule to correct as it is being pull in from http://www.hotwebideas.com/gc/podcamp/podcampcityschedule.php

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