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on August 17, 2007 at 8:52:25 pm


Date and place are secured.


Brian Oates - daxle.net@gmail.com Imprint: Business Author Interviews


Interested in participating? Add your name to the list below. There's a Google group to join if you like.

Who You! Everyone is welcome, and the event is free. Add your name to the list below.
When Saturday, August 25th 2007 10am-4pm
Where Flat Earth Brewery
Address 2035 Benson Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55116
Parking Street Parking




  1. Garrick Van Buren - First Crack Podcast
  2. Paul Cantrell - In the Hands
  3. Steve Borsch - Connecting the Dots
  4. Alissa Barthel - Creot Radio
  5. Philip Nelson - What Ale's Thee?
  6. Michael Koppelman - The Lolife Podcast
  7. Michael Mc Intee - Inside MN Politics Podcast
  8. David Howell - David Howell Studios
  9. Alan Petersen - Costa Rica Talk Radio
  10. Chuck Olsen - Minnesota Stories
  11. Adam Jochum - cafn8ed.TV
  12. Tim Elliott - Winecast
  13. Johnee Bee - Mostly Trivial
  14. Peter Fleck - PF Hyper Blog
  15. Taylor Carik - Flak Radio
  16. Phil Wilson - Remain Comm
  17. Ady Wickstrom - LWVMN
  18. Kathy Magnuson - Minnesota Women's Press
  19. Julia Schrenkler - New Media, Minnesota Public Radio
  20. Erica Mauter - Metroblogging Minneapolis



What do you want to talk about? Suggest session ideas below.

Sessions will be discussions of 90 minutes in length and can cover just about any topic you can dream up.

It's preferred that the session complete this sentence: 'How to __________'

The goal of the sessions is to have a conversation, dig into issues, make decisions, and move an idea forward. No lectures, k thanks.


Get Your Podcast to Sound Decent

Panel discussion: Paul Cantrell, Alissa Barthel, Michael Koppelman

So your podcast's content is great, but it sounds like crap. You don't have expensive microphones or high-end software, and you're not an expert audio engineer, so what are you supposed to do? Come to this session! We'll take an exciting tour through the signal chain from microphone to final mix. There are many simple ways to make your podcast sound better that cost little or no money, and don't require huge expertise. We'll share our tips; come share yours.


How to video podcast

"Hands on training with Michael Mc Intee"

Learn how to cover stories, record video and get it out in a podcast or in flash video format.


Wordpress & Podcasting

Garrick Van Buren and Tim Elliott

A conversation about how to best configure Wordpress to host your podcast.


Who can help with...

Working with Wordpress & plugins


How to evangelize podcasting


How to promote your band/music via podcasting

Panel discussion: Alissa Barthel, ...


How to augment learning with podcasting


How to define the success of a podcast


How to not make money podcasting

Panel discussion: Alissa Barthel, ...


How to kill a podcast


How to make a podcast feel different from radio


How to make podcasting better


How to podcast with stuff lying around the house


How to podcast with wordpress, libsyn, blogger, or - insert your favorite service here -


How to find a format (or lack thereof) that works for you


How to tell a good story


How to podcast for politic gain/rant


How to podcast for civic gain (or to build community)

Panel discussion: Alissa Barthel, ...


Event Sponsors


Flat Earth Brewing
You - the podcast community!



List other ideas and things that don't fit above, here.


Join the PodCamp-Minnesota Google Group

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