
Sponsors, we need YOU!


To sponsor PodCamp Philly, please use the paypal links below.


Platinum Sponsor $5000 Venue Sponsor $2500 Gold Sponsor $2500
Silver Sponsor $1000 Friend of Pod Camp Philly $250 Podcamp Enthusiast (any amount)


Platinum Sponsor







Why Should I Sponsor?


Listen to Russell Holliman from Podcast Ready to see what he has to say on the subject: Really, it's worth listening to--insightful.


(Note: you may have to cut and paste this into a browser if direct click doesn't work)




As the CEO/Founder of one of the largest and most successful podcasting businesses today, his insights come from a position of straddling the grassroots and corporate world.


Then, here's some tangible ROI yet to finalized...:


Tangible ROI:




Intangible ROI:


If you listened to Russell's message, you now know that new media (whether it be podcasting, videocasting, social media, etc.) means you have to get INVOLVED. Interactivity and forging positive, value-added relationships is central to the philosophy of grass-rootin', tootin' knowledge exchange in these communities.


Simply giving money (although appreciated) isn't our primary or only hope for sponsors-we really want you to give a session or two and tell us why you think your product/service/whatever adds value to the community. And again, don't pitch us-talk to us. Dialogue with us. Everybody learns at podcamp, whether you're a first-day podcaster newbie or CEO of a major wireless company.


Does that mean by sponsoring podcamp you'll instantly get wide-ranging, positive credibility from the podcasting/new media world at large? I have no idea. But giving money is a great start.


Create your own ROI by immersing yourself in a world of mindshare and idea exchange that has little or nothing to do with money. There is a visceral, electric excitement when attending an event that purposefully breaks the barriers of traditional corporate titles and put everyone squarely on the same page.


Please understand that we do need funds to pay for the venue, food, T-shirts, insurance, and all the other costs that go along with typical conferences. So your fiscal support is encouraged and greatly appreciated and will not go unnoticed/rewarded.


We just want to make sure you understand up front that sponsoring podcamp is not like sponsoring other events where corporate names, logos, or personalities become featured players in the structure of the event. It's more like tossing some scratch in the collection plate of new ideas where money doesn't line our pockets but facilitates the chance for positive synergies to transpire in an atmosphere of open-source collaboration.



For further information and details please email podcampp(at)gmail(dot).com


Add your comments here:


What kind of things do you need sponsors for? Start a list maybe?? I can help out a bit. Lynette Young SCRAPcast.com lynette@purplestripe.com


TalkShoe is interested in sponsoring. Contact Mark Juliano - Head of Marketing


The M Show is interested in sponsoring. Please post a PayPal email so I can send cash!