

Page history last edited by janass 15 years, 7 months ago

Were you at PodCamp Pittsburgh? Tell the world -- include this graphic on your site!



Everyone who attended PodCamp Pittsburgh is encouraged to leave feedback here!


What did you like? What did you not like? What worked well? What could we do better next time?


(And there will be a next time...)


ALSO, if you have BLOGS, AUDIO, VIDEO or PHOTOS from (or about) PodCamp Pittsburgh, please do the following:


  1. Tag your media podcamp and podcamppittsburgh
  2. Link back to it from PodCampPittsburghMedia
  3. COMMENT ON THAT MEDIA. Let the conversation continue!
  4. At the end of the week, 4 people will win very cool PodCamp Pittsburgh prizes for the best blog, audio, video and photo from the event -- so be creative / honest / opinionated / amusing / good!

WELL WORTH THE TRIP!! From a Kinko's at 3:30am on my way home from PodCamp, I had to hop on and THANK EVERYONE for such a fantastic weekend. Organizers, other guests, hosts, sponsors, ALL OF YOU! It was well worth my 14 hours down, and 19 hours home to gain the connections, experience, memories and knowledge I walked away with. We'll see you all at PAB07/PodCamp Canada! --Tommy Vallier (I'll expand on this later, just wanted to throw something up quick on my way home)



Anonymous: "So, you went to iPod camp?"

Justine: "No.. It's not iPod camp.. It's PODCAMP!!!!"


This weekend was great! Thanks to everyone involved who made it a success. Good luck explaining the weekend to those who have no concept of what it is we do :) Too bad hyperlinking IRL isn't an option..




Michael Bailey

Editing a wiki on my cellphone while sitting in an airplane waiting to takeoff and fly back home.....that's almost as cool as attending podcamp.


Thanks to all for the great conversations and good times.


Each of the presentations were pretty awesome...I did not see anyone exercising their 'freedom of feet'.


I spoke with Erik Schark after my greenscreen filming, and he mentioned that the film school had not, as hoped, filmed every session. I suggested to him that PodCampers need to take it upon themselves to ensure that some participant is filming each and every session, so that (1) we don't need to rely on others, and (2) to give people extra footage (er...byte-age...) to work with in iMovie, Final Cut or whatever they use.


I filmed Chris Brogan's talk yesterday (Sunday) morning with my iSight...I'll try posting it, though the audio wasn't all that good (in hindsight, I should have asked to use Chris' m-audio microtrack!).


Alex Landefeld



The Podcamp was great. I am a novice at this so the first session in the mini screening room was fabulous. The other sessions I attended were good too.

Thanks to Justin and everyone else for the fantastic event.


I recorded the first session on my ipod but haven't reviewed it yet. It's just audio, if it's okay, I'll post it so others who want may want to refer to it for reference in creating a podcast.


Thanks to everyone again.


Sarah Brim


A suggestion to future podcamps:


This was not my idea, but I thought that it made sense so I'm taking initiative and posting it here for future podcamp organizers to use.

Michael Bailey


The idea was this:


If the sessions scheduled so that Saturday's were all entry level or informational content and Sunday sessions consisted of more in-depth topics it would provide an opportunity for someone show up for both days if they didn't know anything about new media.


For those people who are already a bit familiar with the basics, they could come into town Saturday night and attend a full day of in-depth, more technical sessions, and the people who attend both days get a chance to further their knowledge on day two.


Now this isn't perfect and many discussions could be held to discuss it, but as a basic suggestion I find that it does have merit.


Erik Schark


I love that idea, Michael. If the presentations were lumped generally into one day of beginning and one day of more advanced, you could theoretically go from 0 to 60 in the two days rather than being scared off of topics that you could handle after a beginner's session or two. The question then becomes implementation, finding the structure in this free form.


I also love the idea of self-reliance in terms of filming the sessions. There are enough of us doing this who have the equipment needed to accomplish this. The issue there is logistics, making sure those who are willing to help film don't end up having to miss sessions they want to be a part of. Having a document of the session would be helpful if you're not there, but it's no substitute for being part of the interactivity.


I think one thing we can do along these lines is for everyone who held sessions to begin posting what they covered on the podcamp wiki sessions page. That should help future podcamps see what has been done and be able to take the ball further.


Comment from Alex Landefeld

(I, Erik Schark, was editing this page too long for him to jump in, so I'm passing along his comments)


Re 1st day/2nd day discussion: Although it's a great idea, perhaps we could structure it this way: beginner content in the mornings, advanced content in afternoons and perhaps evenings. This way, we allow people who cannot come to either Sat or Sun to still get some newbie content - the art will, afterall, only grow with continual influx of new artists. :-)


Also, although the 30-45 min sessions are short, its really unavoidable with the short weekend. People would still grumble with 4-hour sessions in a weeklong event. :-) This event should be intended as a way to whet our collective and individual appetites for further "off-line" communication and learning.


George Rosenberg:


Re: 1st day/2nd day discussion

There is a major disadvantage to that format. More novice topics will conflict with each other. More advanced topics will conflict with each other.


Justin Kownacki

Hmm... So perhaps a better approach would be individual "tracks" of information -- creative, technical and business -- with both entry level and advanced sessions offered in such a way that the overlap of like-minded sessions would be minimal.


Example: At 10 AM, have Intro to web video (technical) , Intro to Adsense and affiliates (business) and Acting tips for Audio Podcasts (creative). Then, at 11 AM, have Advanced web video techniques (technical), Search Engine Optimization (business) and Script vs. Improv (creative). Try to balance experience level with variety of content. Obviously, any well-attended sessions should be encouraged to re-present the next day.


Michael Bailey and I have been discussing various versions of this format and are very interested in helping everyone get what they want from the PodCamp experience. By all means, let's keep kicking these ideas around.




Thank you for organizing this! It was extraordinary.

Yesterday I did what I needed to do to get a Mac. How have I lived without it all my life?


I think that developing "tracks" of information---creative, tech and biz-- as Justin has described, is a useful way of laying out sessions.



George Rosenberg

PodCamp Pittsburgh 3

We may want to tentatively schedule a preferred date for any potential third Pittsburgh event before the calendar becomes too crowded. If we wait until after our second PodCamp there may only be undesireable dates left. We can also let potential speakers, sponsors, and venue hosts be aware of both events. Organizing both together may be easier than organizing them sequentially.


Justin Kownacki

PodCamp Pittsburgh 3

Interesting idea. The whole PodCamp explosion is really amazing to me, since I know there was concern that the very first one in Boston might not even have enough traction to make it worth everyone's while. Now we're in a place where there's a PodCamp scheduled in a different city every month for the next year, and the idea (and the medium) is sweeping the country and beyond.


As such, I'm not sure we need to announce PodCamp Pittsburgh 3 just yet. For one thing, it stands to reason that there are at least 12 cities in America alone that could support at least one PodCamp per year, not counting the possibilities for dual East-and-West Coast PodCamps. In that case, Pittsburgh is already in the loop as one of the East Coast cornerstones.


For another, from a logistical point of view, we have no way of knowing who'll be here in Pittsburgh in 2008, much less what the parameters of web media will be by then. Perhaps the concept of podcasting will be antiquated by then, in favor of the next big thing. Of course, even if that happens, I have a feeling Pittsburgh will find a way to jump aboard the train early...


For now, let's just make sure PodCamp Pittsburgh 1 is properly paid for and number 2 keeps generating buzz. The future will take care of itself.


Josh Sager

PodCamp Pittsburgh 3

I think looking towards the future is a great idea, but please please please don't lose sight of what made this event so awesome. The grassroots, everybody made a sizeable contribution, and free-flowing structure were all elements that contributed to the success of the un-conference. If it gets too structured the event starts to lose is unique flavor. I agree things can be better. Filiming the sessions are a great idea, and individual tracks are awesome too. But if the logistics of setting those things up become too crazy and prevent podcamp pittsburgh 2 or 3 it would be a shame. I'm sure all will work out, but I'd hate for the success of this event to destory the idea of user created media, un-conferences, and get lost in a sea of details that we were able to live without in podcamp1. Just a thought I had :)

Luke Ferdinand

Thoughts on PCPGH2: Academic podcasting. We're in the heart of academia here on the east side and you can imagine quite a few people are either working on or preparing to work on podcasts of lectures and other academic podcasting endeavors. We need to bring these folks into the fold. I can't wait!


Justin Kownacki

RE: Academic Podcasting

That's a freaking great idea. I met a few political and theological types as well at PodCamp Pittsburgh, and I'm glad to see the non-fiction uses for podcasting are becoming more obvious to people. Academics, politics, activism, medicine, retail -- there are a LOT of ways to use this new media, and enabling folks who might not otherwise see that potential is key. Round them up, Luke!


(This reminds me: I spent a lot of time talking with a gent from Boston named Nate about how his interior design firm could use podcasting and blogging to create a community nased around their services. Anyone heard from him since Affogato on Sunday night? Last I knew, he bought everyone in the place a special aprting gift from the dollar store and then dashed off to catch his flight...)


Chris Thorn

Keeping the conversation going

I don't think this was mentioned before but what about starting a forum for podcamp Pittsburgh and podcamp in general. I know everyone can talk here but I also know that some people are more accustomed to using forums and it is easier to catorgorzie things in them then it is here. We could all promote our shows, blogs, sites, and things we are doing and things that people we know are doing. Its just a thought. I know I would be there daily talking about my show and other shows I have listened to, blogs I have read and episodes of Something to be Desired I have watched. :)

Also I know we talked about getting ourselves out there and making money in most if not all our situations, but there was something I wanted to bring up but could not find the place for it. I was thinking about posting this on a forum known as podcast pickle but this may be a better place to see if there is any intrest. Everyone involved in podcamp has listeners, readers, and fans. What if we used that to help a charity or even a particular individual who needs some sort of help that we can get to them through our fans. I am not saying we turn into public access or the Jerry Lewis telethon, but we all have our own fanbase. And after spending two days with many of you I know that everyone involved in podcamp is willing to help each other, what about helping others? Its just an idea. It probably has its good side and its bad side, but at least its out there now.

See you all in August. Hopefully all of you and a few new faces.


Justin Kownacki

PodCamp Forum / Community

Chris: funny you should mention that. We have something up our sleeves that we're ready to roll out this weekend, once we make sure it works well enough to be opened to the public. Check back for an announcement here tomorrow that should help move the conversation to a new level of interactivity.


UPDATE: Here's the link to our new PCPGH Community!



David Radin

Worth writing about


I was so impressed by PodCamp that I decided to write about it in my newspaper column. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published it on Nov 18.


I was moved by the unique combination of excitement, enthusiasm, knowledge and volunteerism that took hold of the weekend. It reminded me of some of the early Internet Expo and Internet World conferences, with that "UN-conference" twist.


Thanks to Justin and all the PodCamp participants for making both days well worthwhile.




Chris Brogan...

Yeah yeah yeah, beginner's luck! : )


This was so much fun. I'm really excited that this went off so well, and that Pittsburgh folk came out in full force. When I went to the event, I was thinking: if there are 50 people, I'll be happy. But HUNDREDS? I'm so excited about the community I found there, and I'm so eager to get back.


Feedback about the event: Let's start Sunday later next time (ouch, Tiki Bar). Let's promote everyone having valid contact cards with them. Let's maybe "track" the sessions and do more to record each one (something we also will try harder to do in Boston). And let's get 300 people to attend/participate.


I'm very proud of you, Justin, Erik, and others.


--Chris Brogan...



PodCamp could evolve into a thread within a larger Youth Tech Summit

I've toyed with the concept of a Youth Technology Summit for Pittsburgh and the region for a number of years. These types of events are held in other markets.


http://Summit.CLOH.Org (old site)


The PodCamp part would then be more like a theme within the larger event. And, the PodCamp would be a build up event too. The summit would build upon smaller events from neighborhoods, specific schools and more specific uses / applications.


We could really use a Youth Tech Summit in Pittsburgh. I could become the largest annual event in Pittsburgh's Convention Center. School students could arrive by the busload. There is so much to do. And, it needs to be a bottom-up event as the *Camp culuture and open-source culture dictates.


--Mark Rauterkus, Mark at Rauterkus dot com, 412 298 3432 = cell


Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 8:08 am on Nov 13, 2006

PODCAMP Pittsburgh was amazing. Great work to everyone!

- Justine

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