

Page history last edited by Steve Sherlock 14 years, 10 months ago

PodCamp Southern California - September 27, 2007 - Ontario CA


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Arriving to 'the expo' on thursday the 27th? Looking for a place to hang out?

PodcampSoCal - September 27, 2007 @ 10:00am - 5:00pm in Ontario CA at the Podcast and New Media Expo grounds.


PodcampSoCal is being held in Ballroom C at the Ontario Convention Center before Podcast and New Media expo


PodCamp Southern California - September 27, 2007 - Ontario CA


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PodcampSoCal will be held in Ballroom "C" at the Ontario Convention Center. There is plenty of room for smaller groups to be formed. Full AV equipment will be available: Mic & projector for larger presentations. Please specify below if you will be needing these facilities for your presentation.



Presented By:

OC Podcasters LA Podcasters





Wanna make a promo for PodcampSoCal? Send an email to jason {at} podcampsocal {dot} org with your creation and we'll add it to the list.


Media File Creator - Podcast Name
The Governator Andy B - AndyCast Podcast



Current Organizers


What Is PodCamp?



  • PodCamp is a FREE UN-CONFERENCE for people who create, enjoy or are interested in learning more about blogs, vlogs, audio podcasts, web video, content networks, new and social media. Show up, meet people, make connections it's that simple!


Proposed Topics / Presenters

(Click 'Edit Page' in the margin above, type in the password provided, add your name and the topic you'd like to speak about)


  • Jason Tucker - Making wordpress work for your podcast.
  • Matthew Wayne Selznick - Repurposing The Written Word For Podcasting.
  • Karin Hoegh - What happened to usability in podcasting?
  • Michael W. Dean and Debra Jean Dean give a three-in-one yack on: "The joy of doing a couple's cast", "maintaining your amateur status as a podcaster (you don't NEED to monitize!)" and "how to get a great sound for your cast without spending a ton of money."
  • Chia-Lin Simmons - A "bite", a "snack", a "meal" - right-sizing your content for multi-channel digital media distribution.
  • Sallie Goetsch, Podcast Asylum - "Spreading the Word of Pod: Getting More People to Listen to Podcasts." Projector useful but not necessary; I'd like people to share their best suggestions and experiences.
  • Jason Jarrett - Things I wish I knew when I started podcasting.
  • Robert Safuto - Building a community around your podcast.
  • Ron Ploof, Jeff Roney, William Lundin - Collaborative Storytelling via Social Media using the audio extravaganza Podenstein as an example.
  • Pete Cooper, The Limey Vote (cracking the UK market)
  • Shelly Brisbin - How to Get Cranky Press People to Cover Your Show
  • Victor Cajiao - Live interactive podcasting. How I use the Talkshoe service to build a community, obtain new listeners and make money
  • David Eckoff, VP of New Product Development & Innovation at Turner Broadcasting - Innovation at the Intersection of Media & Technology: Lessons learned from developing and launching new media businesses. Trends and topics covered will include online video, real revenue models, viral marketing, user generated content, online community and more. (Note: will need mic & projector.)
  • Ewan Spence, VP at The Podcast Network. Two possible talks are 1) How to Podcast really really big events like the Edinburgh Festival to the world, and 2) The Circle of Podcasting, a holistic approach to hsots, producers, listeners, advertisers and making a life (or a living) in podcasting.
  • Steve Boyett, Producer, Podrunner and Groovelectric. Swag: How to obtain gear & products even if you aren't getting advertising.
  • Joel Mark Witt, Producer of MarylandZoo.TV and FolkMedia.org - "Podcasting from inside the organization: what we've learned at MarylandZoo.TV"
  • Susan A. Kitchens, Family Oral History Using Digital Tools. How podcasters can participate in the Veterans History Project (you already have the digital tools; here's a slightly different way to use them to capture and preserve stories of the nation's veterans)
  • Douglas E. Welch The Why, How and What of using Feedburner for your podcast -- or -- Producing a podcast remotely: Using a traditional tape sync/double-ender for your show -- or -- Developing ideas and content for a weekly show.
  • Rox is happy to talk about what it takes to get going with a video podcast; we did an episode every day for 402 shows and now have "cut back" to mostly 5 a week. Beach Walks with Rox
  • The schedule looks pretty set, but if there is time and interest, Laura @Pistachio would have a great time humming a few short & lively bars on speaking/presenting more comfortably & effectively.Great Presentations Mean Business




Event Schedule


(Click 'Edit Page' in the margin above, type in the password provided, add your presentation and what time you'd like to be on. This isn't a time slot guarantee but a good way for us to gauge the length of your talk.


  • 10:00 - Opening
  • 10:30 - Collaborative Storytelling via Social Media using the audio extravaganza Podenstein as an example. (Ron Ploof, Jeff Roney, William Lundin)
  • 11:00 - Sallie Goetsch, Podcast Asylum - "Spreading the Word of Pod: Getting More People to Listen to Podcasts."
  • 11:30 - Matthew Wayne Selznick, author of "Brave Men Run - A Novel of the Sovereign Era" -- Podcasting The Written Word: how to build audience and readership podcasting your book.
  • 12:00 -Ewan Spence - The Circle of Podcasting, nurturing everyone involved in your podcast and communit
  • 12:30 -Jason Jarrett - Things I wish I knew when I started podcasting.
  • 1:00 - Lunch
  • 1:30 - Roxanne Darling - Video Podcasting - basic ingredients and shortcuts; will want to use mic and projector; Beach Walks with Rox
  • 2:00 - David Eckoff - Innovation at the Intersection of Media & Technology (60 minutes total including Q&A); will want to use mic and projector
  • 2:30 - David Eckoff - Innovation at the Intersection of Media & Technology
  • 3:00 - Michael W. Dean and Debra Jean Dean
  • 3:30 - Karin Hoegh - What happened to usability in podcasting?
  • 4:00 - Joel Mark Witt - "Podcasting from inside the organization: what we've learned at MarylandZoo.TV"
  • 4:30 - Chris Brogan - Community and How These Tools Reach Humans
  • 5:00 - Closing




Registrants List


Click the link below to add yourself to the list of people attending.


PodCamp Southern California - September 27, 2007 - Ontario CA


Old list available here:

Podcamp SoCal Registrants List



Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 8:25 am on Sep 24, 2007

Removed my presentation slot - not yet ready, giving someone else a shot :)

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