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Page history last edited by Morriss Partee 14 years, 5 months ago



PodCamp WesternMass 2 was February 6, 2010 at Westfield State College! 


Share your PodCamp WM2 photos here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/podcampwesternmass2/ 


Twitterers at PodCamp Western Mass (PCWM) 2:

     Follow Me - Twitterers who attended the camp


Blogs from PCWM 2: 

Ron MIller: You can teach an old dog new tricks 

Julianne Krutka: A Realtor's Perspective

Bill Weye:Picking up the pieces from PodCamp

Lesley Lambert: This one time at PodCamp...

Jason Turcotte: If you tweet it, they will come... to PodCamp that is

Aldon Hynes: Holden Caulfield and the Phonies of PodCamp WM

Alfonso Santaniello: PCWM- The Ultimate Social Mediaism

Jeff Michaels: Seven Powerful Free Social Media sites for gaining customers

Dale Stokdyk: 5 things I learned at my first PodCamp

Jason Turcotte: This one time... at podcamp

Bill Dusty: PodCamp WesternMass 2 Attracts a Crowd

Mike Dobbs: Citizen Journalism at PCWM 2

Pat Brough: Pat goes to PodCamp WesternMass2

Kelly Galanis: Twas the night before PodCamp

Bill Weye: What makes small PodCamps unique?

Susanna Opper: Losing my Twitter virginity

Steve Sherlock: Basic Blogging session notes shared

Steve Sherlock: This one time ... at podcamp - I got an interactive t-shirt!

Ron Miller: Stupid iPhone tricks: Turn your iPhone into a video camera

Bill Weye: Look who's coming to podcamp - interview with a first-timer

Jaclyn Stevenson - This one time, at PodCamp... boy, were my nasal passages clear

Bill Weye - Seven most popular hashtags in #WesternMA

Val Nelson - Unconferences are the ultimate networking experience

Marlin May - Adventures Out West - PodCamp Western Mass 2

Lesley Lambert - The For Sale sign of the future (on MassLive)


Video from PCWM 2:

Pat Brough: PodCamp WesternMass, Animoto style

Ron Miller: Western MA Pod Camp Slide Show from Animoto 

Pat Brough: Clips from welcome and panel

Paul Monaco: Kelly Galanis' session on Facebook Fan Pages

Steve Garfield: PCWM Animoto Music video demo

Paul Monaco: Mike Langford & Jeff Cutler's video production session

Pat Brough: Bay Road PodCamp Wrap-up

Pat Brough: PodCamp: The Stickers

Lesley Lambert: My day at PodCamp

Jaclyn Stevenson: PCWM2- Catch my disease

Christine Pilch - Highlights from Advanced LinkedIn

Mike Langford & Jeff Cutler - NomX3 - Live from PodCamp WesternMass!


Slide decks:

Christine Pilch - Advanced LinkedIn: Getting results in 10 minutes/day


Tickets were at Eventbrite. Tickets are $20 plus processing, or $5 with a valid student ID.


PodCamp is an ad-hoc gathering (or un-conference) born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. Tickets are $20 ($5 for students), but all are expected to participate and/or present. You can participate by giving a presentation, demo, or joining into another cooperative event, being on a panel/roundtable, or in other ways helping out on event day.


PodCamp is NOT just about podcasting, but about all social media/networking, and its relevance and usefulness to community, business and otherwise. This PodCamp is all about blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, podcasting, videocasting/YouTube, and any other online community tools.


Western Mass entered the Social Media age with the inaugural PodCamp WesternMass, as well as WesternMass TweetUps, in early 2009. We have a thriving community here of some truly amazing people. This is a chance for Western Mass bloggers, business people, artists, and academics, to get together, make connections, and for everyone to learn how social media can enhance their business, cause or organization. This is also a chance to celebrate the cornucopia of Western Mass. culture, a joyous blend of urban and rural; business, artistic and academic; near enough to other large metro areas, but small enough to hear yourself think.

Where & When 

When:  Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where: Westfield State College, Horace Mann Center, 333 Western Ave, Westfield MA 01085  


Campers (aka Attendees/Participants)

Here is PCWM 2's Facebook event page

The "Follow Me" Twitter listing has been compiled and shared here. 
(Use this link to access a page where you can follow all PCWM2 tweeps with one click.)

Blogs, video, photos from PCWM 1 are here: PodCampWesternMA1






  • Westfield State College
  • WinStanley
  • Microsoft BizSpark
  • John Robison
  • If you are interested in a being a sponsor, please email morriss@everythingcu.com




One Day Only


  • Morning sessions
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon sessions
  • Evening/Party/drinks


Proposed Sessions


  • add your topic...

Topics I would like to hear about


  • backpack/citizen journalism
  • add a topic...






  • S.P. Sullivan (spsulliva@gmail.com)
  • add yourself...



Task List

(please cross out when it's done)


Projector, White Boards - Would love to have two more projectors

Photo -bring your cameras, cell phone and otherwise!



Streaming video



Name tags




Tags for blogs, flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.

Please use the tag PodCampWesternMass  or hashtag #pcwm or #pcwm2 for content related to this event


Blogs, podcasts, vlogs


If you blogged, or plan to live blog or twitter, about PodCampWesternMass, add a link to your blog/podcast/vlog here:

  • add your blog name and link here



Sessions--there will be 4 or 5 breakouts per each session time after Opening Remarks

8:30 to 9:00 check in and coffee (?)

 9:00 to 9:15  Welcome and Opening Remarks:  Explanation of Unconference Format.

 9:30-10:30  Session 1

 Break (1/2 hr.)

11:00- 12:00  Session 2

12-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 Session 3

Break (1/2 hr)

3:00- 4:00  Session 4

4:00-4:15  Closing Remarks

4:15 bye!


There will be a designated after-conference spot for drinks and more networking.


Tickets are $20 ($5 for students with valid ID) and can be purchased on Eventbrite: http://pcwm2-efbnen.eventbrite.com/
PodCamp WesternMass 2's Facebook event page is here.
PodCampWesternMA1 - Here is the page of information from the inaugural PodCamp WesternMass, held March 28, 2009.


Tag-line : PodCamp, PodCampWesternMass


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